Thursday, February 28, 2013

Happy 5 years to me :)

5 years ago I decided I needed to make a change about my health! I was 19 and becoming one of those cliche kids who gain a bunch of weight shortly after school, my blood pressure was going through the roof for being so young and what really hit me the hardest my chart said obese, my heart just sunk. I didn't know the first thing about being healthy! My start on this journey was not the best and never recommended, I just stopped eating.... my friends and family intervened before it got to serous and that's when my brother took me under his wing and showed me the ropes of fitness! Within in 6 months I lost 67 pounds (also not recommended, that's really fast to loose that much weight! It shocked my body and I had some problems after!) The longer I did this the more it became a lifestyle instead of the initial goal to loose the weight! I really got into lifting weights and eating healthy!
This is a picture that really kept me motivated, my dad did this for me for a before and after!!

This is another right after I had lost my weight!

I kept it off until I got pregnant with my little girl, two things happened I figured I'm working out lets pig out and use this as a excuse to eat whatever I want.... then I got some scary news and thing's changed, the doctor told me I had pretoxima (sp? It's high blood pressure) she basically stopped growing and I freaked!! I was put on bed rest from 7 months until I delivered! Do you know what happens when all you do is sit around and eat?!! I gained pretty much all my weight back but I had a healthy baby in the end and that's all the mattered!

The second time around took me a little longer to loose the weight because I wanted to do it right and be healthy for my daughter, plus I now had a new born and at the time felt guilty for going to the gym ( I now know and think it's very important to have a little time for yourself and even better when it's for your health!) I got all my baby weight off except those last 10 stubborn pounds and that's when I turned to supplements for the first time in five years, I'm so glad I did! I lost my goal plus some and I finally had energy! The company I found was advocare, I will forever be addicted to the spark!

Here is my 24 day challenge results ( note I'm not a super model, I have never had a flat stomach ever in my life and having a child made it worse but I'm very proud of these results!)

Day one

Day 24

So there is my weight loss story in a nut shell, I have a ton more pictures but these are some of my favorites! Over the years people ask me how I did it, it's simple really I eat healthy and workout! It was hard work but worth it! This is lifestyle not a diet!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Change or touch up?

I've had the same hair color for over 2 years now! For me that's a big thing!! I really miss my dark hair but I'm sure once I do it I'll regret it and want my blonde back! I've been really trying to take better care of my hair, no heat unless I'm dressing up, no excessive coloring and actually going in for trims! I just let my hair go into the new trend omber to keep from putting more blonde in it ( no matter what kind of blonde color I use it makes my hair like straw! So no more bleach blonde for me!) The omber is good if your looking just to be lazy no up keep really necessary, but I don't know if I like it anymore? So the question is change it completely or get it touched up and have a professional do it better and more even!

This was probably my favorite hair color, but it wouldn't stay that way for long. It only happened when I put a dark color on my and faded from swimming and sun! I'm sure a salon could do it tho! (Ps I'm like 19 here and wasn't to long after I hit my goal of 60 lbs lost! It's really close to my 5 year anniversary of keeping it off! I'll do a post soon of my transformation!)

Here is the really bleach blonde look, my hair is so dry! I really liked it but it was so hard to keep it looking good!

And here is what it looks like now, I think I could like it more if I went to get it touched up and more even! There are just some sections that are brassy and just not pretty lol

I think I'm really just itching for a change, but now changing my hair scares me!! I guess it's just me getting older and a tiny bit more knowledge on how to take better care of my hair!! OK thanks for letting blab on about this :) any thoughts would be great!!!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Drink your veggies?

As I'm dead set going in target I would get my juicer today I walk in and see the model all set up, I got to intimated and couldn't bring myself to get it. So I thought hey I'll blog about to see if anyone could offer me some advice!! I have two in mind but not sure which one to get?!

First one looks like a good buy, but seems difficult to clean and use

I want something that will hold up but when it comes to using something everyday you don't want to take hours cleaning it when it only takes minutes to drink the juice!!

This one I've heard mixed reviews about, but seems good as long as you don't overload it! Looks simple to use and clean which is a plus but will it hold up?

So any help would be greatly appreciated! I like to do my research before spending a big chunk of change!!