Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Who's making fun now!

<p>&lt;p&gt;I've worn glasses since I was five! Let me tell you back then it wasn't as cool as it is now and they weren't as complimenting back then either! I'm glad they came in popularity because that means better choices for me (contacts are out, my eyesight is to bad) but on the other hand I'm like hey I've had this nerdy look down for many years now! Oh well I get that feeling a lot when you've tried something out and you feel like you started a trend but you know your one small person in a really small town and a lot of people probably had the same idea! That's a long winded way of saying I had to wear glasses most my life and got made fun of, and wore a similar outfit in this post in high school and was told blazer's and jeans don't go together but now it's all the trend! This is also coming from the girl who dissed high heels and jeans (i know right) now i love pairing it together any chance I get to class up jeans! My daughter had to wear her cute little blazer with her Levis how cute so I had to take her out to dinner in her outfit (can't say no when it's kids est free at applebees!)

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I just found your blog!
    Your girl is so cute and i LOVE your blazer!
